100 Sheep Street Bicester Oxon OX266LP
Be your own kind of Beautiful
We have a huge range of frames, and options for many face shapes and sizes.
Our experience in fitting and finding great styles from Optical Designers alongside classic designs means a lot of choice, while keeping all budgets and needs in mind.
We take the time to find the right fit, which helps us to avoid problems with comfort or vision.
Quality Service and Advanced Thorough Healthcare
We can offer detailed and thorough eye exams, typically over an hour with an experienced professional.
We have advanced 3D OCT Scanning equipment, Anterior and Fundus High definition Photography, Detailed Visual Field analsis and use No Puff Eye Pressure technology so the 'Puff of Air Test' is a thing of the past, which many of our patients are very happy about!
Local Business and Community
We are a small family business, and consciously try to spend our money near Bicester where we can, supporting the community and local businesses.
We get most of our patients by personal recommendation, and offer a friendly personalised service, whether for eyecare or glasses advice.
We have invested in advanced eyecare equipment, allow far longer with a professional than typical in the high street, and take our time to listen and get to know you and to understand your Visual Needs.
When you support us by buying your glasses or lenses, your money isn't going to big marketing campaigns or lots of retail staff, it goes towards great quality frames, professional thorough fitting and advice, and providing great eye and health care.
"For the first time I really enjoyed choosing my glasses, and left excited about when they would be ready"
"I don't feel like taking them off, the frame is so comfortable and the lenses so clear"
"I feel relieved to know exactly what is going on with my eyes, the scan has put my mind at rest."
"I didn't really expect to notice the better quality lenses discussed, but was amazed at the difference, Well done, thank you."
"I'd long ago abandoned hope of enjoying the friendly, old fashioned (in the best sense), caring and relaxed service you provide - in any sphere actually.
To come across thorough experts, who don't hide behind their professional persona, but are real, normal people first and foremost, is a rare thing; in my experience, anyway."
"I felt safe, and able to ask questions."
"I have never had such a thorough eye examination, thank you"